The hub for Jewish life in the Greater Monadnock Region, CAA is an inclusive synagogue affiliated with Reconstructing Judaism. Our membership reflects a broad range of Jewish religious, denominational, ethnic, and educational backgrounds. We look forward to welcoming YOU!

Coming Up!

CAA’s Religious School Begins
Sunday, September 8th at 9:30am

It’s here! The day all our students have been anticipating- the return to Religious School after summer vacation. Hooray! We look forward to gathering in person to continue learning together!

Parents may contact Daniella about registering their children at or (603) 352-6747.

CAA Book Club
A Pigeon and a Boy
Sunday, September 8th at 10:30am

Start Reading Now!

The CAA Book Club will be discussing A Pigeon and a Boy, a beloved book by renowned Israeli author Meir Shalev. All are welcome!

A Pigeon and a Boy is a “mesmerizing novel of two love stories, separated by half a century but connected by one enchanting act of devotion . . . .During the 1948 War of Independence—a time when pigeons are still used to deliver battlefield messages—a gifted young pigeon handler … dispatches one last pigeon (before his death). The bird is carrying his extraordinary gift to the girl he has loved since adolescence…. READ OF AMAZON’S DESCRIPTION BY CLICKING HERE.

Come at 10:15 a.m. for coffee and a nosh. We begin our discussion at 10:30.

Hope to see you there!

Staff CAA’s Amazing Race Challenges!

CAA will be running two of the Challenges as part of Hundred Nights’ Amazing Race fundraiser on September 14 to help our homeless neighbors. We need 12 volunteers for about 2 hours beginning at 1pm. Last year, our Challenges involved (1) contestants doing a dance routine and (2) contestants knocking down empty beer cans with rubber bands. It was a ton of fun!!

To volunteer, please contact David Kochman at or (603) 903-0357.

Join us for our weekly Shabbat Services!

All services are both in-person and online via Zoom.

Meeting ID: 905 919 1322
Passcode: shalom

CAA Zoom Etiquette:

  • Please mute your microphone throughout the service or program, unless you are speaking as part of the service or program.
  • We ask that you turn off your video if you are busy with activities that may be distracting to others, such as eating, tending to household chores, sleeping, or talking on your phone. Otherwise, please show your respectful attention to our community by keeping your video on.
  • Please update the name(s) that show(s) on your Zoom window to the names of those people who are actually on Zoom at the time.
  • Please do not type in the chat box during the event except to alert our technicians to technical difficulties, such as lack of video or sound.