The hub for Jewish life in the Greater Monadnock Region, CAA is an inclusive synagogue affiliated with Reconstructing Judaism. Our membership reflects a broad range of Jewish religious, denominational, ethnic, and educational backgrounds. We look forward to welcoming YOU!

Coming Up!

Friday Night Shabbat of Song
featuring the debut of
Kolot Shonim
Friday, February 7th at 7:00pm

CAA is excited to welcome Kolot Shonim on Friday evening, February 7th, for Shabbat Shira, a Shabbat of Song.

Kolot Shonim, meaning “Different Voices,” is a music group that was formed in Nyack, New York by Soloist Ilana Davidson, Hazzan Michael Kasper and Singer/Songwriter Eleanor Kaufman. They are joined by musician and composer, Elliot Roman.

The group blends together their diverse musical backgrounds to arrange, perform and write traditional secular and liturgical Jewish music. Kolot Shonim takes inspiration from ancient cantoral and musical traditions as well as folk melodies and Israeli music.

The depth of Kolot Shonim’s knowledge brings a unique and beautiful interpretation of the Shabbat liturgy and beyond. They are excited to bring their Shabbat evening service to Congregation Ahavas Achim.

A special oneg sponsored by Jerry and Deborah Kaufman will follow the service.

Focused Listening Session
Sunday, February 9th
1-2:30 PM

CAA is a proud partner of the Monadnock Interfaith Project (MIP), a group of over 15 faith communities that have come together to build community, foster inter-group understanding, and work for social justice.

Join us at CAA on Sunday, February 9th, from 1 to 2:30pm for one of a series of focused listening sessions that will take place throughout our region. This is the first step in an interfaith community organizing cycle to identify a new social justice issue for MIP to tackle in our region.

Come prepared to share a story or an idea for us to consider!
Please register HERE ( to let us know you’ll be coming.

Superbowl Potluck and Watch Party
Sunday, February 9th at 6:00pm

Come cheer on the Philadelphia Eagles OR the Kansas City Chiefs and enjoy a potluck dinner! Kickoff is at 6:30pm EST.

Don’t forget to register HERE so we know how many people to expect!

Join us for our weekly Shabbat Services!

All services are both in-person and online via Zoom.

Meeting ID: 905 919 1322
Passcode: shalom

CAA Zoom Etiquette:

  • Please mute your microphone throughout the service or program, unless you are speaking as part of the service or program.
  • We ask that you turn off your video if you are busy with activities that may be distracting to others, such as eating, tending to household chores, sleeping, or talking on your phone. Otherwise, please show your respectful attention to our community by keeping your video on.
  • Please update the name(s) that show(s) on your Zoom window to the names of those people who are actually on Zoom at the time.
  • Please do not type in the chat box during the event except to alert our technicians to technical difficulties, such as lack of video or sound.