Weekly Torah Portion
Sign up to read Torah on the 2nd Saturday of EACH month! Contact Rabbi Dan for assistance.
Summary, Text & Commentaries
Summary of this weel’s Torah portion
For a comprehensive summary and insightful exploration of this week’s Torah portion, we invite you to explore the content available at MyJewishLearning.com/Torah-Portions.
While there, you will be able to view the full text of the Torah and Haftarah readings and view commentaries from a variety of perspectives.
Commentaries from a Modern Orthodox perspective,
For a selection of commentaries from a Modern Orthodox perspective, you may be interested in the weekly PDF Toras Aish, which is produced by The AishDas Society.
Scholarly, academic commentaries and essays
For a selection of scholarly, academic commentaries, and thought-provoking essays that provide valuable insights into our sacred texts, we recommend exploring the content available at https://www.thetorah.com/. Dive into a world of in-depth analysis and critical examination to deepen your understanding of our heritage.