Upcoming Events


Mark your calendars for these upcoming events:
Click on item for more information

TONIGHT!! Thursday, September 5th at 7pm 
Elul University with Lainee Ginsberg and Rabbi Dan

Friday, September 6th at 7:00pm
Erev Shabbat Services led by Rabbi Dan and Lainee Ginsberg 

Saturday, September 7th at 9:30am
Torah Study with Rabbi Dan 

Sunday, September 8th at 10:30am
CAA Book Club – “A Pigeon and a Boy” – START READING NOW!

Sunday, September 8th at 9:30am
First Day of Religious School

Sunday, September 8th at 1:00pm
Torah Lifter and Wrapper Workshop 

Friday, September 13th at 11:00am
Timely Topics in Jewish Life 

Friday, September 14th at 7:00pm
Erev Shabbat Services led by Rabbi Dan 

Saturday, September 14th at 9:30am
Shabbat Morning Service led by Rabbi Dan

Saturday, September 14th at 1:00pm
Hundred Nights’ Amazing Race volunteers needed

Sunday, September 15th at 9:30am
Religious School

Tuesday, September 17th 6:30pm
Sidore Lecture at Keene State College – “Sweet Malida: A Journey in Poetry of the History, Food, and Culture of the Bene Israel Jews of India

Thursday, September 19th at 4:30pm 
Community Kitchen

Thursday, September 19th at 6:00pm
Schmooze and Brews with Jews – 3rd Thursday of the month

Friday, September 20th at 7:00pm
Erev Shabbat Services led by Rabbi Dan 

Saturday, September 21st at 9:30am
Torah Study with Rabbi Dan 

Sunday, September 22nd at 9:30am
Religious School

Tuesday, September 24th at 11:00am
Coffee Hour with Rabbi Dan at Brewbakers

Tuesday, September 24th at 6:00pm
2024 Cohen Center Holocaust Memorial Lecture – From Treblinka and Trawniki: Forensic Archaeological Investigations at Sites of Nazi Persecution

Friday, September 27th at 7:00pm
Erev Shabbat Services led by Rabbi Dan and Lainee Ginsberg 

Saturday, September 28th at 9:30am
Torah Study with Rabbi Dan followed by Mindfulness and Meditation 

Saturday, September 28th at 7:30pm
Selichot Service  

Sunday, September 29th at 9:30am
Religious School

Items of Interest (click on each to learn more)

Shabbat at CAA — Erev Shabbat services are every Friday at 7:00pm. Torah Study is every Saturday at 9:30am, except for the second Saturday of the month, which is usually a Shabbat Morning Service at 9:30am. Join us in February and March on the third Saturday of the month for mindfulness meditation, discussion of an ethical text, and lunch!

CAA’s Yizkor Book of Remembrance

Soon, the CAA office will mail out letters to congregation members asking for any updated yahrzeit information there may be for our Yizkor Book of Remembrance. If you are a member, please keep an eye out for the letter and send in the enclosed form and envelope.

You don’t have to wait… you may email Daniella at office@keenesynagogue.org to let us know of any changes or additions that need to be made to the list of names of loved ones that you would like to have remembered in the book.

Friday Night Erev Shabbat Services
Fridays at 7:00pm
Celebrate Shabbat and relax after a long week as Rabbi Dan and/or Lainee Ginsberg lead Friday night services in our beautiful sanctuary with music and prayer.

Stick around after the service to visit with community members and friends at the oneg.

ALL are welcome, including people who want to learn more about Jewish practice.

CLICK HERE to attend the service online

CLICK HERE for a pdf of our siddur

Torah Lifter and Wrapper Workshop
Sunday, September 8th at 1:00pm

Learn how to properly lift and wrap the Torah so you can perform one of these mitzvot during Torah services on holidays and Shabbat throughout the year!


CAA Book Club
A Pigeon and a Boy
Sunday, September 8th at 10:30am

Start Reading Now!

The CAA Book Club will be discussing A Pigeon and a Boy, a beloved book by renowned Israeli author Meir Shalev. All are welcome!

A Pigeon and a Boy is a “mesmerizing novel of two love stories, separated by half a century but connected by one enchanting act of devotion . . . .During the 1948 War of Independence—a time when pigeons are still used to deliver battlefield messages—a gifted young pigeon handler … dispatches one last pigeon (before his death). The bird is carrying his extraordinary gift to the girl he has loved since adolescence…. READ OF AMAZON’S DESCRIPTION BY CLICKING HERE.

Come at 10:15 a.m. for coffee and a nosh. We begin our discussion at 10:30.

Hope to see you there!

Timely Topics in Jewish Life
A presentation and discussion on all things Jewish with Rabbi Dan on the 4th Friday of each month.

Where? Covenant Living of Keene (formerly Hillside Village), 95 Wyman Road, Keene, NH 03431

When? 11AM-12:30PM, September 13th

Who? An interfaith group of residents at Covenant Living, including a number of CAA members. All members of CAA are welcome to attend.

“Sweet Malida: A Journey in Poetry of the History, Food, and Culture of the Bene Israel Jews of India

Tuesday, September 17th 6:30pm
Mabel Brown Room at Keene State College

Who are the Bene Israel Jews of India? Where did they come from? How did they survive? Where are they now? Zilka Joseph provides an overview of the history of the ancient community called the Bene Israel, their food and culture, and a reading of poems from the author’s collection “Sweet Malida: Memories of a Bene Israel Woman” and discusses her own stories of food, memory, imagination, and connection to the Bene Israel and their culinary customs. She will also explore its special connection to the Prophet Elijah as well as the journeys of her ancestors, parents, and her own migration.

This event is free and open to all; registration is not required. It is offered in-person only. The event is hosted part of the Sidore Foundation Lecture Series at KSC and is being cross-promoted by the Cohen Center. For more information, please email celia.rabinowitz@keene.edu.

Selichot Service
Saturday, September 28th at 7:30pm

Please join Rabbi Dan and Lainee Ginsberg on Saturday, September 28th at 7:30pm at CAA or on Zoom for a short but very moving service to prepare us all for the upcoming High Holy Days. Whether in person or online, we will gather once again to usher in the Days of Awe.

The Selichot service, which is conducted on the Saturday night that falls a full week before Rosh Hashanah, includes liturgical poems and meditations highlighting the themes of repentance and renewal that we associate with Days of Awe. The word “selichot” itself means forgiveness and broadly refers to the penitential prayers that we find in our mahzor, the High Holiday prayer book. The familiar, stirring melodies and heartfelt reflections of the service will inspire each of us to seek forgiveness from God, our loved ones and ourselves so that we can each begin 5785 with a clean slate, free of regret and remorse.

The service will be most impactful for those who experience it in person in our sanctuary. It will also be online for those who wish to attend from home.

Coffee Hour
with Rabbi Dan at Brewbakers Café in Keene

Tuesday, September 24th at 11:00am

Grab a cup of Joe or a Chai Latte and pull up a seat. Rabbi Dan looks forward to chatting about… whatever!

Coffee Hour with Rabbi Dan takes place monthly on the 2nd Wednesday and 4th Tuesday of the month or by appointment at a more convenient time. To set up a meeting with Rabbi Dan, visit  www.calendly.com/rabbida

Inside Israel with Ra’anan de Haas

Third Monday of each month
(September 16, October 21, Nov 18, Dec 16, etc).
Time: 1pm – 2:30pm
Location: JFNH office-273 S River Rd. Bedford and via Zoom

Join Former JFNH Shaliach Ra’anan de Haas to discuss news and hot topics in Israel.

Ra’anan will cover everything from politics and the war with Hamas to Euro Vision to the Olympics. Occasionally pertinent articles will be shared in advance, and each session will end with time for  questions and discussion.

This program will meet on the third Monday of each month for 90 minutes. We will be offering this program hybrid – feel free to bring your dairy lunch and join us at the JFNH office in Bedford or attend from your home via Zoom.

Send us the name of a person in need of comfort and healing so we can pray for them whenever we recite the Misheberach prayer for healing during our worship services. 
CLICK HERE to submit a name for the Misheberach list. 
If you add a name to the list, please attend services as you are able and pray along with the community for those in need of healing.
Please email Daniella Yitzchak at office@keenesynagogue.org or
Rabbi Dan Aronson at RabbiDA@keenesynagogue.org with any questions.


2024/ 5785
High Holy Days Schedule

Saturday, September 28
7:30 pm- Selichot Service

Wednesday, October 2
7:00 pm- Erev Rosh Hashanah Service

Thursday, October 3
Rosh Hashanah Day 1
9:00 am- Morning Service
1:15 pm- Rosh Hashanah Lunch. Registration required.

Friday, October 4
Rosh Hashanah Day 2
9:00 am- Morning Service
4:00 pm- Tashlich at Ashuelot River Park

Friday, October 11
6:30 pm-  Kol Nidre

Saturday, October 12
Yom Kippur

9:00am – Morning Service
1:15 pm-  Yizkor
4:00pm – Guided meditation
4:30 pm- Afternoon Service/ Jonah
6:00 pm- Neilah (closing service with Community Break Fast to follow)

Elul University
Thursday, September 5th at 7:00pm

Lainee Ginsberg and Rabbi Dan invite you to prepare for the High Holy Days with them!

Learn or re-learn the melodies you’ll sing along with on Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. Become familiar with the predominant themes of the High Holy Day liturgy.

Earn your High Holy Day diploma in just 90 minutes!

It’ll be best in person, but let us know if you need to join us online and we’ll make it happen.


Shabbat Morning Torah Study with Rabbi Dan
Saturday, September 7th, 21st and 28th at 9:30 AM

We invite you to our (almost) weekly Shabbat Morning Torah Study, led by Rabbi Dan, and sometimes guests. 

We read a third of each week’s Torah reading in English and mine it for meaning for our lives today.

Newcomers and people of all abilities are always welcome!

CAA’s Religious School Begins
Sunday, September 8th at 9:30am

It’s here! The day all our students have been anticipating- the return to Religious School after summer vacation. Hooray! We look forward to gathering in person to continue learning together! 

Parents: Watch your email for registration forms next week. Parents may also contact Daniella about registering their children at office@keenesynagogue.org or (603) 352-6747.

Shabbat Morning Torah Service 
Saturday, September 14th at 9:30 AM

Help us make a minyan at our monthly Shabbat Morning Service, in person and online.

Please click HERE to sign up to read Torah.

Serve dinner at
The Community Kitchen!

Our next date to serve dinner at TCK is September 19th

Please contact Gary Shapiro at (603) 352-0440 or gm_shapiro@yahoo.com or Malcolm Katz (603-352-1644)
if you are interested in participating in this worthy effort.
Schmooze and Brews with Jews at Modestman Brewing
Thursday, September 19th at 6:00pm

Join us for something new- an adult beverage version of Coffee Hour with Rabbi Dan on the third Thursdays of the month!

This month, we’ll meet up at Modestman Brewing on Main Street in Keene at 6pm and will casually hang out with other adults in this low-key environment. Just schmooze with brews and Jews… (non-alcoholic drinks and non-Jews welcome too!)

2024 Cohen Center Holocaust Memorial Lecture – From Treblinka and Trawniki: Forensic Archaeological Investigations at Sites of Nazi Persecution
Tuesday, September 24th at 6:00pm

Featuring Professor Caroline Sturdy Colls, The Cohen Center will be featuring Professor Caroline Sturdy Colls for our Holocaust Memorial Lecture on Tuesday, September 24, 2024, at 6:00pm. Her lecture is titled “From Treblinka and Trawniki: Forensic Archaeological Investigations at Sites of Nazi Persecution” and it will be delivered both in person and via livestream. 

Reserve your ticket today! Our ticketing system opened on August 14 and free tickets are available on a first come first served basis. We expect strong turnout for this event and seating is limited. Registration will close by September 16 (or sooner if tickets sell out). Sign up to attend the in-person lecture or register to watch via livestream.

SUPERNOVA Documentary Screening and
Post-Film Discussion on the October 7th Massacre

Sunday, September 22nd at 7pm
Dartmouth College, Moore Hall B13 Filene Auditorium

Join Jewish Federation of New Hampshire and Hillel at Dartmouth College for a showing of the documentary “SUPERNOVA: THE MUSIC FESTIVAL MASSACRE”, followed by a post-film discussion.

Free event. RSVP HERE 

film by Yossi Bloch & Duki Darwish Dror
52 min runtime

Supernova – The Music Festival Massacre. The documentary pieces together dramatic eyewitness accounts from survivors and first responders of the massacre along with real-time footage collated from multiple sources. While it is a painful watch, we wish to offer the ability to view this film to all who are willing as a stark reminder of the atrocities committed on

This film provides a retrospective of 24 hours at the Nova festival in Re’im through the lens of those who endured the horror.

October 7, 2023, began like any ordinary day for concertgoers at the Nova Music Festival, located in Re’im, Israel. There were over 3,500 attendees from different countries at that week’s festivities,  immersing themselves in days of bliss and endless dance parties. Out of nowhere, as the sun rose that early Shabbat morning, the world changed forever.

What started out as missiles hitting Israel’s Iron Dome turned into Hamas terrorists infiltrating the area, shooting everyone in sight. What started out as a dance party, a place of comfort and simha, transformed into a bloodbath.

Please note: footage is graphic and will not be appropriate for younger viewers.

The Religious Practices Committee wants to hear from you regarding childcare and children’s services these High Holy Days!

Would you make use of childcare during the first day of Rosh Hashanah and/or the morning of Yom Kippur for your child, grandchild, or great-grandchild infant through 2nd grade?

Would you and your child attend a short children’s service for infants through 2nd grade if offered on the first day of Rosh Hashanah and/or the morning of Yom Kippur at 9:30am?

Please email Rabbi Dan at rabbida@keenesynagogue.org to weigh in on this important decision.

In Memory of…
For the week of
September 7-13
4 – 10 Elul 5784


Joan Marcucci, sister of Lisa Kessler on 9/8, 5 Elul 

Joseph Crocker, father of Jeff (Martha) Crocker on 9/9, 6 Elul     

Daniel Gardner, father of Arlene Schwartz on 9/9, 6 Elul

Abraham Weinrieb, father of Rose Weinrieb, grandfather of Shelley Amster, Pam Weinrieb, Eric Weinrieb on 9/11, 8 Elul


In First Year of Mourning

Diane Shamas is mourning the loss of her mother, Shirley Ruth Shapiro

Robin Kost is mourning the loss of her sister, Delores Arth Turgelsky

Bruce Platt is mourning the loss of his mother, Jean Platt

Marion Shapiro is mourning the loss of her husband, Paul Shapiro

Sophie Carney-Brenner is mourning the loss of her father, Stephen Weitzman

Doug Honorof is mourning the loss of his father, Frank Honorof

Robin Sylvern is mourning the loss of her mother, Dorothy Gale

Blue ribbons in solidarity with the hostages and their families in Israel are
available at CAA.

Support CAA!
Make a donation ONLINE by clicking HERE or by mailing a check to: CAA, 84 Hastings Ave., Keene, NH 03431.

Click HERE for the weekly “Virtual Shabbat Box” from Reconstructing Judaism. CAA is an affiliate of Reconstructing Judaism.

Our community proudly reflects a broad spectrum of Jewish identities and points of view. We welcome members and guests from any movement or no movement! 

Click here to Forward to a Friend.
Click here to Subscribe.

Congregation Ahavas Achim
84 Hastings Ave.
Keene, NH 03431
(603) 352-6747

To ensure that a member of our small staff is present to receive you, please call ahead or email us before visiting.

Rabbi Daniel Aronson
Roye Ginsberg, President
Daniella Yitzchak, Office Manager

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Congregation Ahavas Achim · 84 Hastings Avenue · Keene, NH 03431 · USA