Reconstructing Judaism

Congregation Ahavas Achim is affiliated with Reconstructing Judaism, the central organization of the Reconstructionist Movement. Reconstructing Judaism was founded in the United States by Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan. Rabbi Kaplan viewed Judaism as the evolving religious civilization of the Jewish people. Reconstructing Judaism is the smallest by numbers of congregations of the four major Jewish movements in the United States (Orthodox, Conservative, and Reform are the other three) but is often said to have an outsized influence on Jewish thought and practice in this country.
Reconstructing Judaism views Jewish tradition as important and very worthy of studying and preserving. It also stresses core Jewish values, as well as inclusion and accessibility. Reconstructing Judaism has its own Rabbinical Seminary – the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College – and its own siddurim (prayer books) and other publications and resources. It runs Camp Havaya in South Sterling, PA and hosts regional gatherings for Reconstructionist congregations. It provides a treasure trove of ritual resources through Ritualwell and offers education and other supportive services to member congregations.