In addition to the organizations mentioned in Rabbi Dan’s weekly message on 3/3/22, which you can read HERE, you may also want to consider contributing to the following relief efforts. These agencies have been recommended by members of the CAA community. If you are aware of an organization engaged in effective work to support the people of Ukraine, please send the organization’s contact information to and we will add it to this list.

Boston’s Combined Jewish Philanthropies (CJP) Ukraine Emergency Fund

From the Lantos Foundation:
  • Razom Emergency Response is organizing vital medical supplies and satellite phones to deliver to the front lines in Ukraine.
  • World Central Kitchen has launched Chefs for Ukraine to provide hot, nourishing meals for Ukrainian refugees fleeing violence and for residents who remain in Ukraine.
  • United Hatzalah is working to protect Jewish communities in Ukraine and to provide medical and humanitarian supplies, as well as psychological support, for refugees.
  • The Hungarian American Coalition is raising funds for partner organizations on the ground in Ukraine, with a particular focus on the 150,000 ethnic Hungarians in Western Ukraine