Mark your calendars for these upcoming events:
Click on item for more information.Wednesday, March 12th at 11:00am
Coffee Hour w/ Rabbi Dan @ Brewbakers Cafe

Thursday, March 13th at 5:30pm
NEW! Talmud Study for Beginners

Friday, March 14th at 7:00pm
Erev Shabbat Service led by Rabbi Dan 

Saturday, March 15th at 11:00am 
Book Reading and Discussion by CAA Member Betsy Small
Toadstool Bookshop in Peterborough, NH

Saturday, March 15th at 9:30am
Torah Study with Rabbi Dan and Friends

Sunday, March 16th at 9:30am
Religious School

Sunday, March 16th at 10:00am
Megillah Reading & Purim Shpiel

(Note: The correct time is 10am, not 10:30am, as appears in the March-April Bulletin.)

Sunday, March 16th at 3:00pm
Nathan E Cohen Lecture: Covered Bridges of NH – Past and Present

Wednesday, March 19th, 6:00-8:00am
Team CAA serves hot breakfast at Hundred Nights

Thursday, March 20th at 4:45pm
Community Kitchen

Thursday, March 20th at 5:30pm
NEW! Talmud Study for Beginners

Friday, March 21st-Saturday, March 22nd 
Rabbi Simcha Paul Raphael Scholar-in-Residence Shabbaton

Tuesday, March 25th at 11:00am
Coffee Hour w/ Rabbi Dan @ Brewbakers Cafe

Wednesday, March 26th, 6:00-8:00am
Team CAA serves hot breakfast at Hundred Nights

Friday, March 28th at 7:00pm
Erev Shabbat Service led by Lainee Ginsberg and Rabbi Dan

Sunday, March 30th at 10:15am
Book Club — The Assistant

Sunday, March 30th at 1:00pm & 3:30pm
NH Jewish Film Festival Screenings in Keene

Wednesday, April 2nd, 6:00-8:00am
Team CAA serves hot breakfast at Hundred Nights

Thursday, April 3rd at 5:30pm
NEW! Talmud Study for Beginners

Friday, April 4th at 7:00pm
Erev Shabbat Service led by Rabbi Dan 

Saturday, April 5th at 9:30am
Torah Study with Rabbi Dan and Friends

Sunday, April 6th at 8:20am
Young Family Passover Storytime and Matzah Making

Sunday, April 6th at 9:30am
Religious School

Wednesday, April 9th, 6:00-8:00am
Team CAA serves hot breakfast at Hundred Nights

Wednesday, April 9th at 2:00pm
Coffee Hour w/ Rabbi Dan @ Brewbakers Cafe

Wednesday, April 9th at 7:00pm
CAA Board of Directors Meeting

Thursday, April 10th at 6:00pm
Schmooze and Brews with Jews at Modestman Brewing

Friday, April 11th at 7:00pm
Erev Shabbat Service led by Lainee Ginsberg 

Saturday, April 12th at 9:30am
Torah Study with Rabbi Dan and Friends

Sunday, April 13th at 5:30pm
CAA’s Community Seder

Visit for the full calendar.




Shabbat at CAA — Erev Shabbat services are every Friday at 7:00pm. Torah Study is every Saturday at 9:30am, except for the second Saturday of the month, which is usually a Shabbat Morning Service at 9:30am.


Friday Night Erev Shabbat Services
Fridays at 7:00pm

Celebrate Shabbat and relax after a long week as we welcome Shabbat at Friday night services in our beautiful sanctuary with music and prayer.

Stick around after the service to visit with community members and friends at the oneg.

This week, the oneg will be hosted by Daniella Yitzchak, in memory of her father, Razi Yitzchak z”l

ALL are welcome, including families with young children and people who want to learn more about Jewish practice.

CLICK HERE to attend the service online.

CLICK HERE for a pdf of our siddur (prayerbook).

Book Reading and Discussion by CAA Member Betsy Small
Toadstool Bookshop in Peterborough, NH

Saturday, March 15th at 11AM

Before Before: A Story of Discovery and Loss in Sierra Leone by Betsy Small is a poignant memoir that reflects on her time as a Peace Corps volunteer in Sierra Leone during the 1980s and her return years later with her daughter. Small revisits the village of Tokpombu, where she had lived, and is struck by the profound changes—particularly the rise of illegal diamond mining among the younger generation. The book contrasts the traditional values of the older villagers, who hold fast to their cultural and ancestral practices, with the youth’s new aspirations.
Betsy Small is an author, educator, and peace builder with a deep passion for cultural exchange and community development. In addition to her writing, Small has led peacebuilding initiatives in conflict zones like Israel, Palestine, Cyprus, and Northern Ireland. She has also worked as the executive director for Creating Friendships for Peace, promoting understanding and dialogue. Small’s work explores themes of connection, cultural change, and resilience in communities facing transition.For more information CLICK HERE

Shabbat Morning Torah Study with Rabbi Dan
Saturday, March 15th and 29th at 9:30 AM

We invite you to our (almost) weekly Shabbat Morning Torah Study, led by Rabbi Dan, and sometimes guests. We read a third of each week’s Torah reading in English and mine it for meaning for our lives today.

Newcomers and people of all abilities are always welcome!

Megillah Reading & Purim Shpiel
Sunday, March 16th at 10:00am
Don’t miss this intergenerational, congregational, translational Megillah reading and hilarious shpiel. The whole megillah is for the whole congregation!Prizes for all children under 14 years of age who come in costume!


Religious School
Sunday, March 23rd at 9:30am

Our Religious School meets most Sundays during the school year. Our current students are in grades 2 through 7. If you would like to explore religious school for the 2025-2026 school year, please contact Rabbi Dan at or (603) 352-6747.

We will gather a little later on Sunday, 3/16 so students can have extra time to put on a costume and join us at 10:00am for the Megillah Reading and Purim Schpiel!

Parents, please look out for occasional emails from Rabbi Dan and Daniella with particular information throughout the year. 


A Scholar-in-Residence
Shabbaton with

Reb Simcha Raphael, Ph.D.

March 21-22, 2025


Friday, March 21 at 7PM
Jacob’s Deathbed Finale: Guidance for the End-of-Life Journey

Saturday, March 22 at 9:30AM
Mishkan (Tabernacle), Sacred Memory and Caring Community

Saturday, March 22 at Noon
Afterlife Journey of the Soul in Jewish Mysticism:
Contemporary Implications

Please register for Lunch & Learn at by 3/18/25.


SIMCHA RAPHAEL, Ph.D., is the Founding Director of the DA’AT Institute for Death Awareness, Advocacy and Training. He has worked as a death awareness educator, bereavement counselor and hospice chaplain for over twenty-five years. Ordained as a Rabbinic Pastor by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, he received a doctorate in Psychology from the California Institute of Integral Studies and has written extensively on the topics of death, bereavement and the afterlife. His groundbreaking book Jewish Views of the Afterlife (Rowman & Littlefield, 2000) is now in its third printing.
Shabbat Morning Service 
Saturday, March 22nd at 9:30 AM

On Saturday, March 22nd, we invite you to our monthly Shabbat Morning Service, onsite and online. Help us make a minyan as we celebrate Shabbat with Torah and tradition. Having a minyan makes it possible for people in mourning or observing a yahrzeit to say Kaddish.

At this service, Reb Simcha Rapahel will speak as part of his scholar-in-residence Shabbaton on “Mishkan, Sacred Memory and Caring Community.”

Stay after the service for his lunch and learn presentation too! CLICK HERE for more info.

We ALWAYS need Torah readers!
Please sign up to read throughout the year at

CLICK HERE to join the Shabbat Morning Service online.

Mazel Tov to CAA member Ceil Goff

Ceil Goff, longtime CAA member and caring was honored on Saturday, March 8, at Cheshire Health Foundation’s 12th annual Caring, Candlelight and Community event. At this special Tribute celebration, Ceil was recognized for the remarkable contributions she has made toward health and wellness in our community.

To learn more about Ceil and her contributions to our region, CLICK HERE

Kol HaKavod, Ceil!!
“The Assistant” 
by Bernard Malamud

Sunday, March 30th at 10:15am

The CAA Book Club will next meet on Sunday, March 30th.  We’ll be discussing The Assistant by Bernard Malamud.The Assistant is the story of Morris Bober, neighborhood grocer, his wife, Ida, and their daughter, Helen. Their life is hard and small, fraught with ill luck and disappointment. When Frank Alpine becomes Morris Bober’s assistant, things take a turn for the better. Frank, whose reactions to Jews is ambivalent, falls in love with Helen Bober. He begins to steal from the store.

There is this kind of dual-leveled, double-working meaning that begins to work through the story . . . .It is the lucidity of this story that makes it distinctive and that makes Mr. Malamud’s vision shine simply throughout the stumblings and strugglings. In Mr. Malamud’s hands, Frank Alpine, the alien and outsider, becomes a kind of redeemer. The speech of these people is marvelously true and adds another dimension to the story
that is told.”  (The New York Times Archives)

Join us to talk about this novel by a major American Jewish writer.  We meet at the synagogue at 10:15 am. for coffee and begin our discussion at 10:30 am.  Hope to see you there!

Send us the name of a person in need of comfort and healing so we can pray for them whenever we recite the Misheberach prayer for healing during our worship services. 
CLICK HERE to submit a name for the Misheberach list. 
If you add a name to the list, please attend services as you are able and pray along with the community for those in need of healing.
Please email Daniella Yitzchak at or
Rabbi Dan Aronson at with any questions.
Timely Topics in
Jewish Life
A presentation and discussion on all things Jewish with Rabbi Dan on the 4th Friday of each month.

Where? Covenant Living of Keene, 95 Wyman Road, Keene, NH 03431

When? 11 AM-Noon, February 28th

Who? An interfaith group of residents at Covenant Living, including a number of CAA members.

All members of CAA are welcome to attend.

Coffee Hour
with Rabbi Dan at Brewbakers Café in Keene
Wednesday, March 12th at 2:00pm
Tuesday, March 25th at 11:00am


Grab a cup of Joe or a Chai Latte and pull up a seat. Rabbi Dan looks forward to chatting about… whatever!

Coffee Hour with Rabbi Dan takes place monthly on the 2nd Wednesday and 4th Tuesday of the month or by appointment at a more convenient time. To set up a meeting with Rabbi Dan, visit

Talmud for Beginners
Thursdays from March 13th to April 3rd at 5:30pm

Join CAA member Daniel Gil for this introduction to Talmud study. We will be studying Tractate Brakhot, the first and most accessible volume of the Talmud. We will be using the English and Hebrew Koren Noe Edition of Talmud Bavli with commentary by Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz z”l. No prior knowledge of Talmud, Hebrew, or Aramaic is required.

The publisher asks that students purchase a printable PDF of the text for $9.95 HERE. Also available are a large hardback volume and a paperback volume published as four booklets. A large full-color volume is available HERE.

Please register for the class HERE.

CAA Board of Director’s Meeting
Wednesday, March 12th at 7:00pm

Congregation Ahavas Achim Members are invited to observe our Board of Directors Meeting on Wednesday, February 12th at 7:00pm online and in person. We’ll hear all about what’s been happening in and out of our building with our community.

All members are welcome to attend our board meetings.

CLICK HERE to attend the meeting online

The Nathan E. Cohen Lecture Series presents:
Covered Bridges of NH – Past and Present

with Kim Varney Chandler
Sunday, March 16, 2025 at 3:00pm
New Hampshire was once home to over 300 covered bridges. Today, there are over sixty authentic covered bridges in New Hampshire, forty-six of which are over a century old. These bridges exist solely because of the efforts of a small but powerful community that both recognized their significance and honored their tradition. Join author and photographer Kim Varney Chandler as she shares an overview of covered bridges in the Granite State, along with interesting facts she uncovered while researching her 2022 book, Covered Bridges of New Hampshire. Learn more about both existing and lost covered bridges in our area.
Kim Varney Chandler, a lifelong resident of New Hampshire, is a researcher, amateur genealogist, photographer, bird watcher, and dog lover, and is the author of the book Covered Bridges of New Hampshire. She is a life member of the National Society for the Preservation of Covered Bridges as well as a member of the New Hampshire Historical Society, the New Hampshire Preservation Alliance, the Historical Society of Cheshire County, and the Hancock Historical Society. When not immersed in the past, Ms. Chandler works as a high school counselor.
Free and open to the public.
Donations gratefully accepted.
Serve dinner at
The Community Kitchen!
Our next date to serve dinner at TCK is Thursday, March 20th. 

A message from Gary Shapiro…

Our next date is Thursday, March 20.  Please contact me or Malcolm Katz if you’re available to help with our ongoing commitment at The Kitchen.

The Kitchen staff is very grateful for our help!

Gary Shapiro

CAA’s Annual Community Seder
Sunday, April 13th at 5:30pm

Our tradition of sitting at a seder table together as a community on the second night of Passover continues this year! Rabbi Dan will lead us in a creative, interactive celebration of the Festival of Our Freedom. This seder will include the ceremonial foods we are familiar with but will not include a full meal.

Please register to attend by clicking HERE ( and let us know if you would like to volunteer to help with set-up or clean-up.

The cost for CAA members is $10/per person, over the age of 13. The cost for guests is $18/per person.

Members of CAA will be given preference if registrations exceed our seating capacity.

Please register either with Daniella at or (603)352-6747 or CLICK HERE to register online (

In Memory of…
For the week of
March 15-21, 2025
15-21 Adar 5785


Andrea Grossman, sister of Ed Grossman on March 17, 17 Adar 

Fanny Lowy, grandmother of Vivian Prunier on March 18, 18 Adar 

Nancy Reisig, wife of Martin Reisig, stepmother of Harry Reisig on March 18, 18 Adar     

Chaya Leah Slome, step-grandmother of Norma Cohen on March 18, 18 Adar

Audrey Grossman, mother of Ed Grossman on March 19, 19 Adar

Dora Aronson, mother of Dick Aronson on March 21, 21 Adar

Razi Yitzchak, father of Daniella Yitzchak, Saba of Negev, Stav and Liav Moon on March 21, 21 Adar


In Shiva:
Wendy Fulton is in shiva for her mother, xxxxxx

Vivian Prunier is mourning the loss of her mother, Melitta Garbuny


In First Year of MourningSteven Levy is mourning the loss of his wife, Susan Levy

Deborah Kaufman is mourning the loss of her father, Donal Blaise Lloyd

Lainee Ginsberg is mourning the loss of her mother, Laura Broad

Mike Davern is mourning the loss of his father, Philip Davern

Andrea Levin is mourning the loss of her father, Wayne Eshelman

Rebecca Sayles is mourning the loss of her mother,  Gail Ehrlich

Rebecca Sayles is mourning the loss of her father, Stanley L. Abrams.

Arelis Quinones is mourning the loss of her mother, Josephina Sanchez

Diane Shamas is mourning the loss of her mother, Shirley Ruth Shapiro

Robin Kost is mourning the loss of her sister, Delores Arth Turgelsky

Jewish Film Festival in Keene
Sunday, March 30th
Screenings in Keene:
Never Alone @ 1PM
Soda @ 3:30PM

Drennan Auditorium
Parker Hall
229 Main St., Keene, NH 03431

To see full line-up of in-theater and virtual screenings and to purchase tickets at
Never Alone

Sunday, March 30th

A powerful, poignant true story of courage, resilience, and defiance during one of history’s darkest periods. Set against the backdrop of World War II, the film centers on Finnish businessman and philanthropist Abraham Stiller, a key figure in the Jewish community, who risks everything to protect Jewish refugees fleeing Nazi persecution in Germany and Austria. As the Gestapo’s influence grows and deportations to Auschwitz loom, Stiller fights to save those seeking sanctuary in Finland, a country caught in an uneasy alliance with Nazi Germany. This gripping tale of bravery and sacrifice is a testament to the enduring power of hope amid overwhelming adversity.
View trailer here:


Sunday, March 30th
Nominated for 3 Israeli Academy Awards, this wonderful historical drama follows a group of former Resistance fighters and young Holocaust survivors who settle as a community in 1950s Israel. When Eva (Rotem Sela) arrives at a coastal kibbutz, Shalom (Lior Raz), a WWII resistance fighter and factory foreman, is rapt by her beauty and vitality. Tensions mount as talk of Eva’s role as a Kapo spreads, forcing an impossible choice on Shalom.
View trailer here:
Schmooze and Brews with Jews at Modestman Brewing
Thursday, April 10th at 6:00pm

Join us for this after-hours get together at Modestman Brewing on Main Street in Keene. Casually hang out to shmooze with Jews over brews!

Non-alcoholic drinks are available for purchase. Bring your own snacks. (Modestman has closed its kitchen and no longer serves any food.)

No registration required. Just show up :)

Blue ribbons in solidarity with the hostages and their families in Israel are
available at CAA.

We are accessible!

CAA is committed to making all of our activities accessible to everyone. Our entrance is equipped with an automatic door; reading glasses and assistive listening devices are available outside the sanctuary; large print prayerbooks are located in the rear of the sanctuary; and fidget devices are available in the foyer. We have an elevator for transportation between the ground floor and lower level. Wide chairs with arms are available for individuals who need extra back support and handholds while being seated. If we have not already accommodated your needs, please let us know so we can explore reasonable options.

Children are welcome!

Whether attending services in the sanctuary, occupying themselves quietly under adult supervision elsewhere in our building, or participating in other activities at CAA, children are invited to explore the Book Nook in the back of the sanctuary, where they will find coloring pages, books, and quiet activities. Children with adult supervision may also visit the lower level where they can play with toys and games in the Play Room and read books in our Children’s Library located off the Dr. Arthur Cohen Community Room.

Support CAA!
Make a donation ONLINE by clicking HERE or by mailing a check to: CAA, 84 Hastings Ave., Keene, NH 03431.

Click HERE for the weekly “Virtual Shabbat Box” from Reconstructing Judaism. CAA is an affiliate of Reconstructing Judaism.

Our community proudly reflects a broad spectrum of Jewish identities and points of view. We welcome members and guests from any movement or no movement! 

Click here to Forward to a Friend.
Click here to Subscribe.
Congregation Ahavas Achim
84 Hastings Ave.
Keene, NH 03431
(603) 352-6747

To ensure that a member of our small staff is present to receive you, please call ahead or email us before visiting.

Rabbi Daniel Aronson
Roye Ginsberg, President
Daniella Yitzchak, Office Manager